
'Where it all begins'

Tuesday, December 21, 2004

As i know it

I don't believe any person is all good or all bad. The best of the saints, the worst of the serial killers. We all have both in us. One doesn't exist without the other.

Why do so many people cover their eyes and pretend not to see the emotional violence? Nothing bad ever happens, they say. I say we don't have to focus on it, but how can we make it better if we don't acknowledge it?

I give a nod to its words on paper, then I put it away until it screams for attention again.

Saturday, December 11, 2004


The whole world puzzles me! Why are people so contradictory? At various times and by various people I have been referred to as "Philosopher","Clever","Dumb","Rebellious" and Mystical amongst others.I have been told that I'm dangerous,canniving and sometimes revolutionary in my thoughts.

How is it possible to have so many contradicting characteristics in "One lone man"?
What am i in reality?Who am i? and where do i go?