
'Where it all begins'

Monday, March 21, 2005

The Face of Jim Morrison

The Face of Jim Morrison:

The halls are crowded,filled with the sharpness of rumor. Stained glass, beautifully glowing with the great world of lies. It is all of the things that babies don't know. Perfectly cut glass, distorting what lies on the other side. The glass begins to shake. Christ is bleeding on the ground. Each of his faultering steps leads him farther astray. The glass shakes harder and harder, until finally it shatters and the glass falls, in millions of pieces, crashing to the hall floor. Each piece that lands ingnites an incondesant spark. Watching them crash... Watching them... Crash. Little bits of brown and pink, black and blue. They exploit sound as they land; creating a great thunderous crash which shakes placid dreams, and carries throughout time. The pieces settle in an almost surrealistic pattern. People gather around and stare blankly down. Staring, unmoving,at the face of Jim Morrison.


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